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  • USC President's Sustainability Strategic Fund more info Give
    Help USC lead the way in solving the global climate crisis by supporting environmental partnerships between the city and USC and the efforts of our researchers and faculty in pursuit of net zero emissions and a lower carbon footprint on our campuses.
  • USC Sustainability Program Fund Give
  • USC Urban Trees Initiative Fund Give
  • USC Wrigley Institute for Environment and Sustainability (WIES) more info Give
    The USC Wrigley Institute for Environment and Sustainability works to create a more sustainable, just, and equitable future through research, education, and engagement. We research solutions to the biggest problems facing our planet and the people who live on it, train the next generation of environmental and sustainability leaders, and engage with the public to inspire others to care for our planet.


USC University Advancement is here to help. Please contact us to answer any questions or visit our website to learn about more ways to support USC.

(213) 740-7500
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