Filtered by category: Cancel
The Damon Hein Endowed Scholarship in Landscape Architecture Fund
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Change lives by supporting scholarships.
The Grant and Shaya Kirkpatrick Landscape Architecture + Urbanism Leadership Fund
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Contribute to this fund, which supports several important efforts, such as the Landscape Justice Initiative, a platform for USC's Graduate Program in Landscape Architecture + Urbanism to implement its work in areas of environmental, spatial and climate justice. Through community partnerships, the program addresses neighborhoods and their ecosystems, engaging in multidisciplinary collaborations to tackle large-scale policy and environmental change.
USC Annenberg Center for Climate Journalism and Communication
USC Civil & Environmental Engineering Dean's Fund
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Supports the areas of greatest need within the Sonny Astani Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at USC Viterbi.
USC Civil & Environmental Engineering Fund
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Support the students and faculty of this field, who study earthquake engineering, structural engineering, transportation engineering, air pollution engineering, water resources, coastal engineering and more.
USC MS Green Technology Program Fund
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Change lives and advance sustainability by supporting graduate students in green technologies.
USC President's Sustainability Strategic Fund
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Help USC lead the way in solving the global climate crisis by supporting environmental partnerships between the city and USC and the efforts of our researchers and faculty in pursuit of net zero emissions and a lower carbon footprint on our campuses.
USC SC Formula Electric Fund
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Support USC's electric race team. The team's undergraduate and graduate students get hands-on experience designing, building and testing an electric vehicle, as well as bringing the vehicle to competition once a year.