Filtered by category: Cancel
USC Gould Clinics Program Fund
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Support USC Gould clinics, which allow students to gain the invaluable, hands-on legal training that is essential for developing and honing lawyering skills of the highest caliber.
USC Gould Dean's Strategic Fund
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This fund allows the dean to respond nimbly and constructively to the most pressing needs of the law school. Giving to this fund showcases your trust in the leaders of USC Gould, and your commitment to innovation.
USC Gould Need-Based Scholarship Endowment Fund
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This endowment fund supports need-based scholarships for USC Gould students across all three years. The principal of this fund is invested and its annual income provides need-based scholarships to students with demonstrated financial need. Additional gifts add to the principal of this fund,increasing the amount available to be awarded.
USC Gould Need-Based Scholarship Fund
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This current use fund supports need-based scholarships for USC Gould students across all three years. These funds are given based on demonstrated financial need in addition to any merit-based scholarships for which students qualify.
USC Gould Scholarship Fund
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This scholarship fund provides aid to current law students without restriction.
USC Gould School of Law Building Fund
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To accommodate our expanded academic degrees and programs, support the construction of much-needed new space that will provide four floors of state-of-the-art classrooms, seminar and clinic space, and rooms for student groups and offices.